Online Betting Game

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The sports betting industry that generates great business opportunities starts with high pretensions of expansion and moves over 28,000 million euros each year. In this type of sports bookmakers not only football, but also Formula 1, motorbikes competitions, tennis, basketball, cycling and horse racing and greyhound will motive and reason to pursue these business opportunities .

More than a hundred local game open in the Community of Madrid in 2008. The kick-off: the approval by the regional government of the Gambling Regulation Act and its entry into force in January. Since then many companies that have applied for the license to the Community and several have already obtained this administrative authorization for a renewable period of five years for both local and internet.

The stakes are a new category to generate these business opportunities, with great success in countries like the UK, where they account for 30% of the volume of play. Football, basketball, cycling, Formula 1, Moog, horse and greyhound racing are some of the events from which you can bet.